Plantation Shutters fitted in barnville park, cherry orchard.

Plantation Shutters fitted in barnville park, cherry orchard.

Plantation Shutters fitted in barnville park, cherryorchard. These shutters come with a central tilt rod which operates the louvres. Shutters are a great solution for the front of the house because they look great and make your house look more secure. Shutters also...
Seven Plantation Shutters fitted in Seaview Park, Portrane

Seven Plantation Shutters fitted in Seaview Park, Portrane

Seven Plantation Shutters fitted in Seaview Park, Portrane. The shutters you can see in the pictures are 89mm louvres with a hidden tilt. The louvres on these shutters look very well on larger shutters as they give the shutter a more stable and stronger look. Hidden...